two Thursdays since my last boiler reservation

A Dadaist Sport Announcer Provides Colour Commentary on the Game


It wasn’t raining, and we had our first gas on Wednesday… We’re mine, we’re the last. Inside, he felt anxious exhaustion and angry gusts.

Tell me when was the last time you had your first oil… Take my win – Enter just one, courtesy of an Olympian. Illness could limit a Week 9 championship run in any number of ways, either through the playoffs or Tub Swoon’s avalanche numbers; a sign of unspecified Buzz Library classification for standard flavoured smoke bombs.

Number of hits: We have more shooters. They will have more than three quarters of five. The end of hockey night here is reserved for next Thursday – there is no drizzle in the Pacific Ocean. I’m trying to keep track of the four numbers that tells me two Thursdays since my last boiler reservation.

I’m looking for iron and volatile doors. So give me something for every game – you want to save a series of games and a great night – I can’t have four big nights in a row every night – there is a night leg to rebound and a kettle in the park. Look at those crowds – polkas break out when the Juju Pastrami Blues passes the shoe. Just get in there based on number four and start playing. Last played a slide guitar in the smoke house vinyl on the way to a portmanteau. Let us know based on 10 clues, and get there without staying up all night. There is something for everyone. There is something for everyone looking for traces of asphalt explosions in a megalomaniac’s species of volatile gases.

Like every party game, every day, every day. Highlights of Thursday’s game and Saturday’s four-way Clueless 2 Arrows at The Turquoise Hat. At night, I would wake up in the middle of the night and stay like that for a while. I woke up again – spent 7 nights, but every night in this wave, more game-wide content is being tested in each game, track dissection of standard flavour volatilizes. Each nose brands the transmitter. Champions under the sofa is a linguistic melody.

Come hang out with me every Saturday night. I have a new Winnipeg gaming license, and cognitive censorship. Grace With Every Hat Season is Method 3 – Winnipeg’s Heart Will Win Numbers. Make the Night Count 7 Thursdays to Boiler of the Day. Anatomy of turbulence from infinitely unsteady fatigue, neologism doesn’t play. An irrevocable excuse steals this S-Butterfly from the Rebel Library. It’s 3a.m. on Saturday and I still have work to do – but every time I play at the station, day or night, I feel thirsty. Turkey chases the zebra.

A night at sea, if it’s so good, it’s for everyone. Can you compare one? Every gram of young archery will not happen. While you’re in Winnipeg, there will be something happening every morning and crowds every night. They will get better on game day and try to resist saying yes. If he wins darts, he gets 7. Let most games import your grandmas. On my Sabbath, some say I am still in the night – an early bifurcation. This is a warning to local rebels to be fed up with the lies. This behaviour occurs when you are drunk.

Process Notes


The abstract compositions were created using a photo of palm tree fronds, taken many years ago, a digital image based on a map of the island of lost Atlantis, and a digital composition based on a photo of one of my wife’s paint palettes.

The basis of the text a multiple manipulation of a portion of Wild and Wooly Wednesday, a post from the blog, Schingle’s Blog ~Musings from a hermit.

Paper tiles’ testimony can be rectangular

Paper tiles’ testimony can be rectangular. Otherwise, the conversation will end. Obviously, this is a problem. I will only explain the juxtaposition section. The story never ends.


fruit salad ~ yummy yummy ~ crepuscular


At the same time, a wonderful and unusual book: A baby surrounded by a house. Many festivals, as a literary montage, carrots beans squash fiscally carrying over the principle of montage into history – freedom doesn’t work with parsnips’ stomach postulates – sorry, sorry ~ very, very sorry ^}R*101L/ He went to bed. The workers were chosen.


The pata-poetics of posthaste posterity volunteer recognition precipitates potato parable passions. ***


Odd Balls & Quantum Tulips: A Meh Celebrity’s Memoir >>


So, does that prose poem hurt me? Reports suggests Republican rigour-mortis replays meticulous restricted radiocarbon radish processions – Shadows bilge blathering gloom glass gender fender bender turnips’ tawny radioisotope tango techniques, ‘Because You’re Worth It’, slush slush slush glomp glomp ‘Betcha Can’t Eat Just One’ > *ATION * > A sphere of suction cups may be angry to see peas-cods re-assembled transfixing large-scale constructions out of the smallest and most precisely cut juxtaposition components. There, everywhere.



I feel like I’m going to die from the strawberry tenterhooks Terpsichorean traffic jams in this lettuce parasol arcade. It belongs to all of them. In the world of geometry, the Parisian arcade is a ruin, waste composed of shards and shallots, such as catacombs, dust, fashion, rutabagas, databases of the tensile treble period (The Quicker Picker Upper). Actually, it’s not a cupcake. Actually, it’s not a cupcake.



Even without history, natural evolution economy’s pathos is a myth, sleep changes the story – Who killed meaning? The story never ends. This is an old problem. Mythology grows long roots and questions to understand political history K01~{nonexhortatory-accismus décolletage~Q0/*> long ago greenback void empty string or warning wanting wayward waxing wherewithal Il ferroviere scontroso e la caduta dei mezzi, Онлайн гра Зелений Сварливий
Брухахаand –
such bother & brouhaha ever severed etc – ‘Think Outside the Bun’. About primrose for this radiator is zero mahogany. Temporary heat of primrose is tactile experience of architecture. Are there any beautiful black birds? it’s raining? Do you have a headache twice a day? Twice a day? Double squared towel. ~  he went to bed  he went to bed to bed to bed.


Together we asked and asked, and chose who would be offended by this metaphor. Does it hurt? This is the pinnacle of the experience. Asemic environments in whose montages two sets of signifier-signified captions. Control the goat that says what the murks say. It is surrounded by buildings. Many festivals organized a fragment fragrance horror hormone, filament integration or decay – Finally?



This is not the end. D or 1 letter. Goat or W – Juicy Revelations Or Any Image Resolution. Dyslexics, Oracles, Philosophers, Uber Drivers, Fabulists, Need some Basic Information on how to repair broken glass, fatalistic flatulence, or phantasmagorical figments of crop circles? You’re all set! Z-tactile experience of architecture speaks in simple sentences. A common phrase. Fun and easy to understand words. Why does failure hit people like me? And this is the best of him. Something strange happens while reading H. Be qE/Gt is the condensation specific velocity. R is specific speed. And he went and lay down. Dirty talk goes to bed. Most of all, what does this mean? What does this mean?


doves decline roses, tangible sorrow pours out the eaves – so like the slipping sun




The larger R is grandiose gradients of cutlery and cuticle despair, go tofu  – go tofu – dig that didgeridoo – the more the specified thickness will be displayed. Workers with a certain amount of weight will BtY&*< selected – p is then Quirk practicality^lucidity selected *^Z task. What’s happening? Wash the food. There’s Noh Life Like IT.



He put his ideas into structure. I have some ideas. It is approximately 1.6 km from Wise Garden View. What is your favourite song today? Are you having fun today? It is no use talking with blue eyes or having strong curves. This is true in history as well. The city rejected all talk about G.T.C. reversing the fascist mode with voluntary ice-cream. Everything is Q01. To make a special book, children go to bed without frying their teeth. But this poem remains the same.  the same  the same   the same