2 thoughts on “Regulable whitlavia subrotundity

  1. I loved the ironic but restrained use of the repeated “licorice” refrain, and of course the insertion of the pathetic – er, do I mean bathetic? – “Plop Plop Fizz Fizz” calls into question, as only cultural metafiction can call, our transcendental existentialist assumptions and reduce it all to a highly conflicted belief in a rigged consumerist agenda promoted by the deplorable Nazi antifa animals. You can quote me on that. Or not. Whatevs.


    1. elmediat

      The Reviews are In, and it is a Smash!

      “Or not. Whatevs.” -Calmgrove

      “Lowers the Bathosphere by metres!” -Captain Nemo

      “This is a Three Licorice Pipes Problem” -Sherlock Holmes

      “It was the best of Licorice, it was the worst of Licorice. It was a wintergreen licorice – full of discontent” -William Wrigley Jr.

      Liked by 1 person

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