asemic postcards 193 & 195 – The Dreamland Tours

Trees, branches, wood from primeval forests, were burned in the fierce chamber of the fiery dwelling in the darkness of The Formless – filled with sepulchre driftwood’s weeping offerings. Once Pym solves the mystery of the Night~Bird Grail, defeat the shadows of the Acherontic Continent through the Carnelian Stone Gate Song. Mistakes are part of probability. Toss the bone coins – read the whispers.



Who was he? If I record with the cicada blood every month, and start, the lament, even if it doesn’t die, will someone confirm my words? Wave the banners of Oriab‘s Lord – dancing twine twists the fates of many.

From The Dreamland Tours – Volume One.

 The Map of Dreamlands by Artist Jack Gaughan


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